Replan Preferences

Use this dialog box to select the options for replanning a project or its individual components.


Attention: For information on how to use the Selected and Secure checkboxes of these options, see Using the Selected and Secure Checkboxes.
Field Description
Replan by adjusting entry Select this option to place an adjusting entry in the budget for the current period (status date) for Budget and Earned Value. Budget, Actual Costs, and Earned Value will match cumulatively up to the status date.

If you do not select this option, Cobra will change only those entries that are earlier than the status date (historical).

Allow planned Work Package to be replanned Select this option to allow replanning of work packages that have not been started. If you do not select this option, unchecked work packages with the status of Planned cannot be replanned.
Allow completed Work Package to be replanned Select this option to replan work packages that have a status of Completed. Otherwise, you can only replan incomplete (in-progress or planned) work packages.
Create a new Work Package for replanned Budget/Earned/Actual costs Select this option to create a new work package for replanned Budget/Earned Value /Actual Costs during replanning.
Alternate class for replanned Earned adjustments If you replan a work package, the earned value of the replanned work package is stored in the class specified in this field. Use this option if you want a new class to represent the replanned earned value.
Extend the Work Package finish date when replanning after the baseline finish date Select this option if you have selected the Replan by adjusting entry option and the status date is after the baseline finish date of the work package. If the status date is after the work package baseline finish date, the work package baseline finish date is changed to the status date. The adjustment of the date ensures that the replanned entry is within the work package dates.